Keeping with my water theme - a big no-no for someone with CF is to go in tropical houses or butterfly houses at the zoo. Many strains of pseudomonas including PsA (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) are found prolifically in the central taps of these watering systems as well as at the outlets of the spray nozzles.The misting systems in these types of houses are also a risk because the fine aerosols are easily inhaled and will likely contain the bacteria (PsA or otherwise) found in the taps and nozzles.
Outdoor misting systems are less risky than these closed off greenhouses and tropical houses but there is pretty strong theoretical risk that the mist may contain PsA from the local water supply, so in general the advice is to avoid these as much as possible as again inhaling the aerosol is a risk. By “outdoor misting systems” I don’t mean the ones in a garden/garden sprinklers, I mean the ones in outdoor spaces like restaurants or other public spaces where they spray mist on people to help cool them down. (Not exactly prevalent in the UK as it is always bloody freezing! But may be something to bear in mind when abroad - last time I saw these was in a restaurant in Monaco.)