Given the weather we’ve been having over the bank holiday weekend I should imagine paddling pools are out in most gardens. And they're perfectly safe for little ones with CF as long as the paddling pool is properly dried after each use and fresh water is used to fill it up. I’ve seen a recommendation to leave the paddling pool out for at least 4 hours in the sun after use to properly dry it but in the UK it’s not guaranteed the sun will stay around that long. 😂
Water pistols and super soakers: just like squirting bath toys these could be very problematic if water is allowed to sit in the water pistol for a long time. If there is any bacteria in the water pistol itself it will be aerosolised when the pistol is ‘fired’ so stringent drying would be required. I’ve read multiple sources that suggest as long as they are emptied fully after use and dried out they can still be played with. Cleaning may also help - soaking in disinfectant such as dilute bleach is an option BUT the water pistol must be rinsed thoroughly afterwards so the child does not get chemicals in their eyes if squirted in the face. 😱 I’m still not sure about water pistols do be honest (you may have noticed I am very risk adverse 🙏) but I think it all depends on so many factors.
Water parks probably should have featured in my ‘swimming’ post. But I’m popping it here instead! At a water park the water will be aerosolised so on some rides, spray can be inhaled and there is an element of risk if the water has any bacteria in it. However as long as the facility uses disinfected water (usually with chlorine) to industry standards this should be safe. You can check with the water park in advance. The CF Foundation recommends that people with CF can swim in water parks with adequate disinfection